Thailand Lovin'

Thailand Lovin'

Feel Good Friday

It doesn't have to be Valentine's Day to feel the love in Thailand.  Friendly favors and random acts of kindness are just the norm here...As they should be!  Meet a few of the Thai folks we've run into--they might be strangers, but that didn't stop them from showing us some love.

1.  Our impromptu guide, who gave us an hour tour of this beautiful temple and a Buddhism 101 crash course.

Buddhism 101


2.  The Thai fabric guru, Sandy, who has taken us under her wing and introduced us to this incredible industry.

Thai Fabric

3.  Smiley Man, who has one of those smiles that warms you inside and out.  He shoots us one each and every day.  There's nothing like a cup of coffee and a smile to start your day off right!

Smiley Man

4.  Our human GPS, who found us turned around on a country road.  We asked for directions in broken Thai, English and body language.  At the drop of a hat, he put down his lunch, hopped on his bike, and guided us home himself.  

Thai GPS

5.  Mr Fix it, who we asked for directions to the closest bike shop.  He fixed the bike himself and sent us on our way asking for nothing more than a smile in return.  

Bikes good as new!

So go spread the love and bring a smile to someone’s face.  Here’s to feeling good, because after all, it’s Valentine’s Friday!

 (Trouble seeing the photos?  Read the blog on our website HERE.)

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