Boats, Bikes, Hikes and Beyond

Boats, Bikes, Hikes and Beyond

Feel Good Friday
The totes have been put to the ultimate test.  One week.  Two totes.  And three challenges.
From boating 2 days down the Mekong River, 
Boats and Totes
to biking 40 miles through mountains of rice paddies,
Bikes and Totes
to hiking 2 days through the jungles of Laos.
Trees and Totes

They came out more alive then ever...with a little more dust and a lot more sweat, but one more adventure in the bag!

So here's to taking your tote out this summer and Feeling Good -- because after all, it's Friday!


Jack & Alley



(Trouble seeing the photos?  Read it on our website HERE)

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