Backpacks in the Shark Tank

Backpacks in the Shark Tank

Feel Good Friday: Shark Tank

In all the Shark Tank madness, we couldn't stop thinking about the first 50 backpacks

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Tune in for a fabric frenzy at 9:00pm on Friday, Feb.20th!

Jack and Alley in the Tank Sharks and Backpacks 

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  • I just watched you guys on Shark Tank and I am in love with your product! I really want to see your backpacks go somewhere!! I wish there were more products available. The way your product is manufactured is brilliant and would give so many Americans jobs. I support you guys!

    Joscelyn Burdick on
  • I watched you guys on Shark Tank last week and jumped on my computer to Google you right after your segment. Let me just say that I was disappointed that none of the Shark invested but I was impressed with your product and business plan. My heart strings are always tugged when I hear about the empowerment of mentally disabled adults and to top it off the fact that every purchase results in a 20% microloan was just the icing on the cake! I ordered my backpack on Monday the 23rd and have shared your story and business with several friends!!!!! I can’t wait to receive my backpack and begin using it/carrying a country…..good stuff!!!!!!!

    K.McK-Nash on
  • I just wanted you guys to know how awesome I think your company is and I absolutely fell in love with the impact that your company is doing not only here at home in the United States but all over the world, reaching out to the farthest most corners with groups of people who are in the most need and are so impoverished that some of the situations are unfathomable to us here in the United States because we are so well off, blessed, and privileged. After hearing your story on ‘Shark Tank,’ I had to share it with someone else and that someone was my 12 year old daughter. After hearing your story, her level of excitement was almost as high as mine was!! At the age she is, most kids think that they know everything and their parents know nothing and can’t stand to stay in the same room with their parents for more than a few minutes but I knew this was something special when she wanted us to become partners and find a way to become apart of this in some way, shape, or form. We both share a heart for helping others especially when we have so much and we are able to give what we have been given to help someone else. When your segment of the episode ended and not one member of the panel invested or even offered to partner with you in this awesome company and the mission that you guys have set to be what you achieve, I felt sorry for them because they didn’t have the ability to see past the dollar signs apparently. I was saddened for each of them because obviously they had missed something that was instilled in me from a young age by my elders and what I try hard to teach my own children and that is that there is nothing in this world that compares to the feeling and the inner reward that comes from helping others less fortunate and putting the needs of others in front of your own. I hoped and even prayed that your company wouldn’t let a television show throw you off course and loose sight of your real mission even if you are a company that is for profit. This company is so much more than most businesses out there today and greed and money and wealth shouldn’t and won’t stand in the way of the growth of the company and the impact that it is making around the world and here in the United States. I don’t know if the people in the higher positions within your company actually pays attention to these comments but I hope that someone is actually reading this because my daughter and I would love to somehow become a part of this company that we actually see is making a positive impact and has similar values like about how important it is to be unselfish and help those you see are in need. PLEASE I am practically begging now, if someone in the Taaluma Totes company is reading this, we would really appreciate it if someone would get in touch with us and let us know how or if there is any way at all that we can join and be a part of the Taaluma Tote team and help Carry A Country grow and reach more and more of those in the most desperate need of our help. To be honest, if it helps, we are not looking for any type of monetary compensation for our help and time of work we put in. We will only take any type of compensation if the heads of the company feel it is necessary and if we know for sure that no one is going to be going without in order for us to receive compensation. I truly hope to hear back from you at Taaluma Totes ASAP!! I have provided my email address for you to use to respond to our request. Have a blessed day!!

    Anna on
  • SHARKS LOSS! I ordered my tote as soon as the show ended, I hope it arrives soon. I already have a bunch of classmates searching your site to buy one. I plan to show and tell mine once it arrives here in Nashville. Keep up the good work.

    sherry on
  • My sister and I just saw you guys on shark tank and loved the bags! The seem so useful and unique, and as a college student I appreciate the price range.
    But when we jumped online to your site to look to purchase, the designs available were different than those shown on the show- excluding a few of our faves. Even the pictures on your site have fantastic patterns we didn’t see to buy.
    Do you guys regularly get new patterns/ rotate through fabric? Or are you just sold out of some of the staples? We’d love to see some of the other bags become available!
    Awesome company concept design, and best of luck as you guys go forward!

    Casey on
  • Love your bags although kinda expensive, have you ever thought about purses…I love your fabric and at some point i will order one…Keep going

    tina on
  • What you guys do is so fantastic! Looks like your selection has become quite limited. I loved the one Alley carried on Shark Tank (their loss by the way…). Will most definitely be purchasing one for me & one for my cousin as a B-Day gift when you have more in stock. Have book-marked your page as a FAVORITE! Love the full circle story as well as the idea of helping folks who would ordinarily not be hired have a job and a (darn good!!) purpose. I live right up the road from you guys in Fredericksburg, VA. Ever tried to get into the shows at the Expo Center? All the best to you both.

    Fran on
  • Saw you on Shark Tank, and I love your bags. I went online to order, but did not see the two fabrics you had on the show that I really liked. The one Alley was wearing, and the one Robert was holding. Will you get more of those prints? and also, how often do you get new prints? Love your product, and really want to own one. Good luck to you guys!!!!

    Wendy on
  • I believe in what you guys are doing. And thats why I bought a Mali Tote. My wife wants one from Mexico I will keep checking your website incase something comes up. You don’t need the Sharks you guys can manage on your own. So far you have done an awesome job.

    Mario on
  • I purchased a Mali Tote for my niece after seeing you on the show. Love your business concept! Sharks missed out…. I am an American who was born in the country of Ethiopia. Their traditional fabric and garments are exquisite. Just wondering about totes representing their country?

    Ava on

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