Afghanistan'd Together

Afghanistan'd Together

Feel Good Friday

The chapan is a traditional coat worn by men throughout the "Stans" of Central Asia…Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan.  Recently, the chapan has been given as a gift to foreigners working together with Afghanistan towards a peaceful future.


 No matter the diSTANce that separates us...

we should STANd together...

to celebrate our most outSTANding cultures!

 So we’re celebrating Afghanistan with this STANdout chapan fabric tote of our own…

Afghanistan Tote

(Shop Afghanistan Tote Here)

Here’s to a world of underSTANding and to feeling good—because after all, it’s Friday!

-Jack & Alley, Co-Founders

(Chapan Photos: The Wall Street Journal; Mission East; UN Multimedia)
(Afghanistan Photos: @simrankaur.lohnes)

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