Need I say Mo-zambique?

Need I say Mo-zambique?

Feel Good Friday

With a sense of adventure and an open mind, travelers Erin and Melissa set out for Mozambique.  What they discovered was a country filled with Mo-tuktuks, Mo-fabrics, and Mo-smiles than they could have ever imagined...

(Trouble viewing video? Watch HERE)

And that was all the Mo reason for them to share a taste of Mozambique with you too...

Mozambique Tote (by Erin Bullington)

(Mozambique Tote by Erin Bullington)

Mozambique Tote (by Melissa Erikson)

(Mozambique Tote by Melissa Erikson)

Plus a few other totes made of fabrics found by travelers like you—because when it comes to connecting the world through its fabrics, the Mo-the-merrier!

France Tote (by Paityn Lugo)

(France Tote by Paityn Lugo)

Indonesia Tote (by Jordyn Ryan)

(Indonesia Tote by Jordyn Ryan)

Israel Tote (by Hannah Silver)

(Israel Tote by Hannah Silver)

Laos Tote (by DeVon Thai)

(Laos Tote by DeVon Thai)

Spain Tote (by Alexandra Blanter)

(Spain Tote by Alexandra Blanter)

Taiwan Tote (by Janine Queenin)

(Taiwan Tote by Janine Queenin)

Here's to a country that has Mo than meets the eye, and to feeling good—because after all, it’s Friday!

Jack & Alley, Co-Founders

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