From its saltiest of seas to its holiest of lands, this country Is-the-rael deal! Israel is a historical masterpiece and traveler Justine decided it was time for a change of Dead Sea-nery.
She was Negev’en free rein to roam far and wide…
And went out on a Jerusalem-b...
In search of fabric to bring back to show-and-Tel Aviv about Israel's beauty!
Bringing to you the Israel Tote (by Justine Crotts)…

(Israel Tote by Justine Crotts)
And a few more fabrics brought back by other travelers to show that this world Israel’ly something else!

(Indonesia Tote by Sarah Harrington)

(Tanzania Tote by Kayla Griffith)
Here’s to a colorful world that Is-for-rael & to feeling good—because after all, it’s Friday!
Jack & Alley, Co-Founders