Mamma Mia!

Mamma Mia!

Hey Toters, what’s Athen-in’?

Back in 2019, travelers Eileen and Lesley visited Athens, Greece. They loved it so much that they wanted to encourage you to visit “the city of the violet crown” someday too. If you ever get the chance to go to Athens,

…you Odyssey the Porch of the Caryatids on the north side of the Acropolis

…you have to take a picture of the Parthenon, it’s impossible to ruin the view feta watch out for a quaint place to have a picnic (with Greek food of course, like souvlaki or falafel)

…and you should go searching for some ύφασμα (Greek for “fabric”) to memorialize your trip.

Just remember, what Athens in Greece, stays in Greece.

Thank you Eileen and Lesley for this awesome find!

I’m tote-ally greeking out over this fabric, olive it so much! 

Here’s to going big or going Homer & to feeling good— because after all, it’s Friday!

Elbow bump,

-the Taaluma Team

Photos by Traveler Eileen Davis

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