New Berlin-ings

New Berlin-ings

Traveler Christa hit the Otto-bahn in search of breathtaking sights and awe-inspiring adventure. 

"We're traveling by our campervan in Germany and our trip led through the Bavarian forest, Elbe sandstone highlands, spree forest, Berlin, and finally to the Harz mountain range.” - Christa Beck

I’m sure she saved a lot on Diesel by riding her bike up to the views instead of driving.

Once down from the mountain, Christa headed Bach to her campervan to drive to her next stop!

“We found the fabrics in a little store in Berlin (the capital and largest city of Germany). The colorful fabric represents the multiethnic population of Berlin.”

The store had a great selection to choose from. Even Gutenberg would be proud of all the beautiful patterns and prints!

Christa made an awesome choice! Like Einstein, that fabric is pure genius! 

“The diversity and vivacity of the metropolis led to a trendsetting atmosphere. The Berlin Wall (East Side Gallery), a former symbol of division, is now an international memorial for freedom and the world's largest open-air gallery, featuring 105 spectacular and impressive graffiti and painting works by artists from across the globe.”

Wow, I would’ve never Gauss’ed that something that once divided many could become an international symbol of reunification! How cool!!!

What a fun trip!

Let’s put our Hans together for Christa! Thanks for sharing your travels with us and finding this incredible fabric!

Here’s to Baroque-ing the barriers that stand between us and to embracing new Berlin-ings... & to feeling good - because after all, it’s Friday.

-the Taaluma Team

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