Resilient & Friendly

Resilient & Friendly

“The history of this resilient country and their people is amazing. The Cambodian people are some of the friendliest people we have met." - Traveler Steven
We couldn’t agree more Steven! Cambodia is full of resilient spirits and beautiful smiles, which we’ve gotten to see first-hand through our recent microloan recipients.
From Sinoun, a 26-year-old tuk tuk driver from the capital of Cambodia, Phnom Penh. We gave him a microloan to repair his tuk tuk and get him (and his business) back on the road.

To Sitha, a mother of one, who used her loan to purchase meat and noodles to sell at her grocery store. By selling this food, she will earn more money to expand her business and change her family's living standards.

To Soriya, who owns a bakery with her husband. She used her loan to buy materials for baking cakes to sell to her customers. She will use the extra income to save for school tuition for her child. 

Here’s to being resilient (while still being friendly) & to feeling good - because after all, it’s Friday.

-the Taaluma Team

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