Wheel World: Cambodia

Wheel World: Cambodia

Feel Good Friday

Nothing says “exploring the streets of Asia” like the tuk-tuk...the open air rickshaw where local life passes by as you soak up the sounds and smells of a new place.

While on the back of a tuk-tuk, Traveler Tim tuk notice of an en’tire’ly new side of Cambodia…

"The everyday clothing for rural women is a jacket and loose fitting pants all made from the same material.

I had been told the Olympic Market in Phnom Penh was THE place to find Cambodian fabrics. It took some finding, but on the second floor I spotted bolts of fabric and knew I had arrived. Mrs. Tom was happy to pull out bolt after bolt.

“Her teenage son then carried the heavy parcel down to my waiting tuk-tuk and I was off to the airport, my mission accomplished.” -Traveler Tim

Traveler Tim tuk one look at this fabric and felt it perfectly represented those wheel-life moments exploring Cambodia. So he tuk it upon himself to send it into our team to be turned into the first ever Cambodia Tote…

Here’s to connecting with the wheel world and to feeling good—because after all, it’s Friday!

-Jack & Alley, Co-Founders

PS.  Plus a handmade Ghanaian batik fabric ready for the road ahead...

Photos:  (1) Laos by Traveler Aaron. (2) Colombo, Sri Lanka by Traveler Aaron.  (3) Chiang Mai, Thailand by Traveler Alley. (4-5) Phnom Penh, Cambodia by Traveler Tim.

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