Anasthasia - Cameroon


A loan helped to pay for clearing, hoeing, fertilizers, seedlings, farming tools, harvesting, and transportation.

Anasthasia's story

Anasthasia is married and has six children. They live together in a nine-bedroom house in Bali in the North West region of Cameroon. She has faced challenges such as the loss of her family members, including her mother, father, husband, and son.

Anasthasia has been a member of GHAPE since 2013 and has ultilized their loans three times. With this new loan, she will pay for clearing, hoeing, fertilizers, seedlings, farming tools, harvesting, and transportation.

Her activities will help the community buy food more quickly and supply the community with a lot of vegetables. She believes her business will succeed because she has fertile land, good farm-to-market roads, and support from her children.

She will use the profits from this loan to expand her business, care for her children, pay fees, and help the needy. She prefers a loan from GHAPE because they offer moderate interest rates with good repayment schedules and encourage borrower savings.

This loan is special because:

It is coupled with multi-faceted trainings to support the poorest in Cameroon.

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