Aparna - India

Fish Selling

A loan helped to expand her husband's fish selling business by buying more fish.

Aparna's story

Aparna is a 28-years-old married woman hailing from Nadia district of West Bengal. Her husband has a fish selling business. He purchases fishes from the wholesale market on a daily basis or once in two days at wholesale price. These fishes are then sold in retail to his customers in the local market. She has a household size of 5 which she manages with a monthly income of INR. 8,200 with savings of INR.5,700.

She and her husband wishes to increase the family monthly income by expanding their business. She has requested a loan amount of INR.25,000 from Gram Bikash Kendra, one of Milaap's field partner. This financial help will allow them to expand the business by buying more fish and selling them in the local market.

She and her husband are so grateful to the lenders for the monetary help.

This loan is special because:

It provides business loans to women micro-entrepreneurs.


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