Edinah - Kenya

Edinah - Kenya


A loan helped a single mom to purchase cost-efficient hybrid seeds and fertilizer.

Edinah's story

Everyone on earth has their own unique talents and gifts, and so does Edinah, who has a gift in farming.

Edinah is a single mother of six children, and she has been a mixed farmer for the last few years. Edinah loves her children unconditionally, and has never forsaken them. She faces challenges and sometimes they almost bring her to the edge, but she always keeps her head held high.

Edinah enjoys generating an income from selling her harvest, which makes her feel accomplished. She constantly recalls that the best decision that she made in her life was to take on farming.

Edinah learned about Juhudi Kilimo through one of her close friends, and chose to join them after learning that they partner with Kiva. She seeks a loan to purchase farm inputs. With this loan, she will make an improvement in the quality of her outputs. This will boost her income, which will enable her to pay the school fees of her children.

Edinah awaits your kindness. She thanks you, in advance, for taking your precious time to read her profile, and she hopes for your help and support.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

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