Elisea - Philippines


A loan helped to buy fish trap materials like plastic screen, bamboo, nails and nylon (string).

Elisea's story

Elisea and her husband are engaged in the fishing business to earn a living. They have been in this livelihood for 20 years to support their children. They have five children to support. The oldest child is 20 years old and the youngest is 7 years old. They work hard together to provide their needs and give them better lives in the future.

With this, Elisea is now asking for a loan to help them buy a boat engine for their fishing boat. The other part will be used to buy a fish trap materials like plastic screen, bamboo, nails and nylon (string). Indeed, with the help of this loan, Elisea and her husband could continue their fishing activity for a living.

She aspires to improve this livelihood in the future and become productive.

This loan is special because:

It provides training and capital for this borrower.

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