Juan Carlos - Guatemala

Personal Housing Expenses

A loan helped buy materials such as cement, lime, sand and cinder blocks.

Juan Carlos's story

Juan is a 28-year-old youth. He is single and lives with his parents and siblings in a community in Santo Tomás La Unión.

In an effort to make an income and provide for his family, Juan works as a physical education teacher. He has been in this profession for five years now. Juan supports the kids greatly in their pursuit of fun through sport. He is a very responsible and friendly person.

Juan now feels the need to renovate his house, as it is currently in very poor condition. He wants his family to have better living conditions. Due to this need, he is requesting a loan that he will invest in the purchase of materials such as cement, lime, sand and cinder blocks.

Juan's greatest desire is for his family to have the home they deserve.

This loan is special because:

It targets low-income borrowers who can't access typical microfinance loans.

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