Rina - India


A loan helped to help her husband expand his hand loom business.

Rina's story

Rina is a 34-year-old married woman residing in Nadia district, West Bengal. Her husband oerates a hand loom business. He collects raw thread from market, makes thread in finished material, and fits the threads in a tana, a part of a hand loom machine, and makes sarees. Rina has a household of 3 members and a monthly income of 7,500 INR.

Rina wants to help her husband purchase thread in bulk to make and sell sarees to customers and increase the family income. She has applied for a loan of 25,000 INR from Gram Bikash, one of Milaap's field partners.

Rina and her family will be thankful to their lenders.

This loan is special because:

It provides business loans to women micro-entrepreneurs.

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