Ruksona - India

Ruksona - India


A loan helped to expand her laundry business by purchasing an iron, detergent, and more.

Ruksona's story

Ruksona is a 39-year-old married woman. She resides in the Nadia district of West Bengal. She and her husband are engaged in a laundry business. They collect clothes from their neighbors, and wash and press those clothes for their customers. She has a household size of three and a monthly income of INR 7,800.

Ruksona wishes to increase the family income. As a result, she has applied for a loan of INR 30,000 from Gram Bikash Kendra, one of Milaap's field partners. She intends to purchase an iron, detergent, and more with this amount. Ruksona and her husband will be grateful for your contribution.

This loan is special because:

It provides business loans to women micro-entrepreneurs.

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