Sukamaju Group - Indonesia

General Store

A loan helped a member to purchase more stock of products to sell, including snacks, sugar, coffee, instant noodles, shampoo, and soap.

Sukamaju Group's story

Meliana and Dien are two additional members of the Sukamaju group. Meliana is a representative on the profile. Meliana is married and blessed with four children, three of whom attend school. She combines her activity as a housewife with her work in a kiosk business. For three years, Meliana has been engaged in the business. She sells everyday products such as snacks, sugar, coffee, instant noodles, shampoo, and soap.

Meliana wants to buy more stock for her kiosk business to meet the demands of customers. She loves this business, because it is profitable. The income enables her to support her husband, Yandes, 39, who is a motorcycle taxi driver.

Meliana and Dien got a chance to request a loan of 3,500,000 IDR from TLM after getting permission from the existing group members. They feel grateful for the awarded loan provided by Kiva through TLM, and they promise to use the loan properly.

In this group: Meliana, Dien

This loan is special because:

It serves people in Indonesia's poorest region.

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