Microloan Stories
Lydia - Philippines
Pigs A loan helped to purchase feeds and other supplies to raise her pigs. Lydia's story Lydia is a married woman with two children. She...
Dorcus - Kenya
Farming A loan helped to buy quality farm inputs such as fertilizers to improve her tea farming. Dorcus's story Dorcus (a 31-year-old mom of two...
Amilani - Samoa
Farming A loan helped to buy vegetable seeds, chemicals, a wheelbarrow, water tank, rake, shovel, hand gloves and safety boots. Amilani's story Amilani is a...
Siapo - Samoa
Farming A loan helped to buy a wheelbarrow, rake, shovel, water tank, more seedlings (taro roots and banana tubes) and gloves. Siapo's story Siapo is...
Alice - Kenya
Agriculture A loan helped to bake bricks and buy mash for her hatching chickens. Alice's story Alice is 56 years old. She is married and...
Inosia - Samoa
Food Production/Sales A loan helped to buy bags of flour, sugar, a large frying pan, a new oven, cooking oil, a strainer and yeast. Inosia's...
Fernando - Honduras
Farming A loan helped to purchase supplies, lime, chicken manure, and sacks of fertilizers to work the land. Fernando's story Fernando is 59 years old,...
Carolyne - Kenya
Home Products Sales A loan helped to buy more stock of utensils. Carolyne's story Carolyne is 47 years old and married to Josphat, who is...
Everlyne - Kenya
Cereals A loan helped to buy more stock of maize, beans, millet, sorghum and ground nuts. Everlyne's story Everlyne is 41 years old and married...