Black Friday 2021
This Black Friday, we're not going on sale.
Instead, we're helping marginalized communities.
When you buy a tote, it will fund a microloan for a small business owner in an impoverished community. And today, we will be personally matching every microloan raised, making the impact stretch even further.

Each microloan makes a long-lasting impact…
Like for Shah from Pakistan, who founded a low-cost school in a marginalized community. He used his microloan to construct additional classrooms, meaning more children could be enrolled and receive a quality education.
And for Russell from Zambia, who used his microloan to provide life-changing solar systems to underserved areas of Zambia that don’t have access to grid-based electricity.

Make an impact this year with your Black Friday shopping and join us in our commitment to help marginalized communities all over the world - one microloan at a time!