Traveler Martini works for a nonprofit focused on human and environmental health in Indonesian Borneo. She also grew up in Indonesia, so whenever she returns for a work trip, she makes sure to visit her family and relive her childhood.
Her favorite part of traveling is “meeting people and getting a glimpse into their everyday lives (which is usually so similar and yet so different to mine)” - Martini Morris

One thing that many countries have in common is the games kids play. Yep, did you know that most popular childhood games are universal? They may be called something different somewhere else, but the games are pretty much the same. So whether in the United States or in Indonesia, here’s to...
playing Paddy-cake in a rice field,
Rock, Paper, Scissors on a mountain,
Monkey in the Middle in a jungle,
Follow the Leader on a beach,
Marco Polo in water,
and Hide & Seek in a store.
Thanks for the awesome fabric find Martini!
Here’s to being playful in childhood and to staying playful in adulthood & to feeling good—because after all, it’s Friday!
-the Taaluma Team
Photos by Traveler Martini Morris and her sister Wuryati