“In the region of Hoi An, the local minority group is named "Cham". Currently, the Cham population is only 130,000.

A spectacular Cham temple complex named My Son still exists today, very near Hoi An City.
We were very lucky to see an amazing dance performance by Cham people at the My Son temples the day we visited.
This particular fabric motif in Vietnam is an ancient design. The sun (diamond shape) and the rice harvest (other symbol) are important symbols present in hand-woven textiles from this region. Many of the various 54 ethnic minority groups in Vietnam use versions of this design for traditional village ceremonies like marriage, funerals, festivals, harvest celebrations, etc.” - Aaron John
Good choice Aaron, this fabric is a winner all the way!
Here’s to staying curious pho’ever & to feeling good—because after all, it’s Friday!
-the Taaluma Team
Photos by Traveler Aaron John