There is a saying in Costa Rica that is used as a greeting, a farewell, a way to give thanks and a way to express that things are going well. “Pura Vida” (or “pure life”) has become a way of life.
There is no question where this cultural focus on living purely takes root...
As a country filled with natural beauty, Costa Rica is finding ways to both protect and share this nature with others.
Its dense rainforest…
reaches out to the sea…
and together they create an atmosphere that is pura and simple.
Traveler Mia ventured to Costa Rica to get a taste of this natural pura’fection too. From morning surfs to afternoon hikes, she spent her days soaking up this pura'fying way of life.
She brought back fabric that reminded her of the clear blue ocean waters to share a piece of that pura & simple living with you too…

Here’s to finding pura'ty in the simple things and to feeling good—because after all, it's Friday!
-Jack & Alley, Co-Founders
PS. Plus a few more fabrics from travelers who pura'sued a fabric finding journey of their own...

Photos: by Taaluma Traveler Jack; (Last) by Taaluma Traveler Mia Casciani.